Ultimate Frisbee
-Teams of 7
-Games played to 5 points on the field at lunch
-Once the frisbee is caught, the player who caught it must stop
-The player with the frisbee CAN pivot but CANNOT take any steps
-If the frisbee is hit down at the throw off, it is still the receiving team's frisbee
-Throw off must be behind the end zone line
-If the frisbee hits the ground, it changes possession
-If the frisbee is intercepted, it changes possession
-No skip passes
-Frisbee must be thrown to pass, no hand offs
-When a player reaches the end zone, it's a point for their team
-If a team passes in their own end zone, the other team gets a point and receives a throw off, however, if it's hit by the the other team play resumes
-If the throw off goes past the end zone, the team starts at the end zone
-If the frisbee lands in the end zone, the other team must throw it out to start their possession
-All calls made by the refs are final
-The champion team will be awarded "Intramural Champion" t-shirts